Festival Review: The Rock Circus – Saturday

After waiting for months, it was finally time for the first edition of indoor festival The Rock Circus to take place. Being held in the beginning of November, a very rainy month in the Netherlands, it was a pleasure to have an indoor festival. The Brabanthallen in Den Bosch got transformed into a full circus with many different activities and stages. 

Our first day, Saturday, had a line-up with something for everyone. Ranging from the power metal bands Beast in Black and Powerwolf, to the nu-metal, or as they call themselves, ‘violent pop’ from Blind Channel. As we went into the building, we were immediately greeted with the full circus experience. At the entrance were acrobats, people on stilts, and circus performers playing with fire. 

In the main room there were two stages, making it nice and easy to alternate between the two and not having huge gaps between the playing bands for changeover time. Aside from that, there was a smaller stage, The Buzz, which also had a killer line-up with some smaller Dutch bands. There were many things to do at the festival site, so you did not have to get bored waiting for the band you wanted to see. There was an impressive metal market filled with all the band shirts, patches, and pins you could ever wish for. And as we were still at a circus, a parade of circus people made their way through the building. Before each band came on stage, they were announced by the Circus Director, who stood on a platform in the middle of the main hall. 

While most bands did not have to come from far to this festival, with most of them being from Europe, we did get Black Veil Brides and Halestorm all the way from America. After Avatar was removed from the line-up, which was a disappointment for many, Halestorm and Black Veil Brides filled the gap they left by connecting the circus to their ongoing tour. 

Always wanted to meet your favourite band? No problem! Impericon set up signing sessions for almost all bands playing the main stages; the only two missing were Halestorm and Powerwolf. People especially showed up for Black Veil Brides and Blind Channel, who had slots right after each other. Fans showed up to the signing booth nice and early, hoping to be able to meet their idols. As this was the first edition, it was a bit chaotic with the amount of people that showed up for these bands. Luckily, a lot of fans did get the chance to see their idols up close, get something signed, and have a little chat. Many tears were shed as they walked away from the signing booth and the realisation of what just happened hit them. 

The day closed off with German power metal band Powerwolf. Their staging was immense, with lots of fire and confetti to accompany it. Even if their music is not your cup of tea, the amount of effort that went into the staging is already worth your watch. With a giant screen as a backdrop, the visuals were amazing. Switching from live videos of the crowd to ‘curtains’ with their logo on it or a giant wolf that matches the aesthetic of their album covers. 

One thing that did not go unnoticed is the amount of women on stage today. Ankor, Enemy Inside, Beyond The Black, and Halestorm all brought in the girl-power with their powerful vocalists, while Cradle of Filth had a lady behind the keys. Being in such a men-dominated industry, this was a great sight to see.

The first full day of the festival ended just after 11pm, giving everyone the time to get some rest and get ready for another day at the circus. The first day was a great success, with many smiling faces all around.



Black Veil Brides

Beast In Black

Cradle Of Filth

Beyond The Black

Blind Channel

Enemy Inside


Written by: Sabine de Graaf

Photographed by: Sabine de Graaf

Edited by: Nèri Cliteur