It was a Saturday evening and the Australian band Trophy Eyes put on a show at the Hansa 39 in Munich. The band consists of John Floreani (vocalist), Blake Caruso (drummer), Andrew Hallett (guitarist), and Jeremy Winchester (bassist, backing vocals). This show was the second to last of their EU and UK run!
Opening the night is the English band Out Of Love, displaying great energy right from the start of their set. Before they play their fourth song, a “Wake the fuck up Munich!” call comes from the band. The audience dutifully listens to this wake-up call and follows with a mosh pit. After this, the band expressed their gratitude to the fans for coming down early to catch their set. Their sixth song of the night is called ‘World Peace’. The crowd is clearly enthused by Out Of Love, moving their heads and clapping various times throughout their set. They end their set by saying thank you multiple times, wishing everyone a good night, and reminding people to look after themselves, getting them a final cheer when they step off stage.
Next on is the German band Hippie Trim. As soon as they step on stage, you can hear an “Eyo, this is Hippie Trim” coming from there, getting the crowd to cheer and start moving right from the start of their set. The band says they wish for lots of fun, encourage dancing and say to look after each other, after this, they go on with their song ‘Supersonic’. An enthusiastic “Yes!” is exclaimed from the crowd right after they announce the third song of their set is ‘Pain Ball’. The second to last song played is ‘Falling Down’, which is their newest release. They played a few new songs and a few old ones, making it a nice mix for everyone!
After these two openers, it’s time for Trophy Eyes to hit the stage! The energy in the room is up right from the beginning. People already start crowd surfing during the first song of their set ‘Blued Eyed Boy’, and this continues all the way until the last song. Vocalist John crowd surfs himself multiple times that evening, the first time during their song ‘Suicide Pact’. They continue with the song ‘Figure Eight’, being followed by ‘27 Club’. After this song, John says “Thank you for having us here in Munich, you guys are fucking amazing tonight, give yourself a big round of applause”, and the fans cheer. At the beginning of their fourth song called ‘Heaven Sent’, he tells the crowd “Have a nice time, that’s why we’re fucking here right”, and he couldn’t be more right for that. The crowd takes that message by heart, clapping and singing along during ‘What Hurts the Most’ and ‘Life in Slow Motion’.
With the words “Thank you Munich, good night, and get home safe”, the band concludes the show. Someone in the audience forms a heart with their hands and holds it up, the crowd gives a final cheer and it’s for sure that people are going home with the experience of having attended a memorable gig!
The show was a true party tonight, I found myself smiling throughout it and John himself said earlier during their set “This is without a doubt the best European show we played, thank you very much”.