ASHEN, an upcoming metalcore band from Paris, France, is back with a brand-new single called ‘Desire’. Formed in 2021, the band speaks on deep topics such as trauma and anxiety through rough textures and intense harrowing atmospheres.
One very enjoyable thing about ASHEN is their distinctive sound which we recognize instantly as the song starts. The intro is mysterious, letting unease hover until you’re hit by fierce guitars and drums.

“There’s a figure in the dark, watching over me. Scared or flattered, I don’t know how to feel. From your stare my love turns blind, passion deaf and reason tongue tied. Are you afraid of us?”
A pulsating bass accompanies the voice of charismatic vocalist Clem Richard and cryptic lyrics in the verse. It’s intriguing and builds suspense all throughout the pre-chorus with the help of some nicely added violins.
“Oh, darling I know that you’re scared, but won’t you give me a taste of your light?”
The chorus is a beautiful mix of melodious and rasp vocals laying on a simple and catchy sound. The perfect combination for a song you’ll have playing on and on in your head for a good while. The bridge is definitely a part you want to look out for. Its rock-inspired guitars are a nice touch and switch of pace.
As the single goes on, the instrumentals from the different parts of the song mix up, creating more and more intensity until that well awaited breakdown drops. Energetic drums, interesting electronic background elements and well-executed screaming that scratches your brain just right can never make a breakdown sound bad. headbang-worthy for sure.
Overall, this song is a very well-orchestrated one and ASHER made sure to give us their signature sound, all while delivering a brand new, catchy and ardent single with high-quality production. You can watch the video to ASHEN’s ‘Desire’ here!
Written by: Noah F.
Edited by: Max Sørensen