On the 25th of October, Gigi Perez released her new single ‘Fable’. After hearing the lines “love was the law and religion was taught” circulating on TikTok for the past few weeks, many have been eagerly awaiting the release of this song. Now that it’s out, we can safely say: it was well worth the wait.
Both the incredible songwriting skills and unique voice that Gigi Perez possesses were already showcased this Summer when her single ‘Sailor Song’ rose to fame. Both of these qualities are only further developed in ‘Fable’.

The lyrics are extraordinary. One can repeat the song many times and notice yet another ingenious, comforting or sometimes deeply painful line on every listen. In broad lines, the song covers love and loss from the angle of religious doubt. This is all described in a way that is not short of poetry, leaving lines that are somehow both very clear and very open to interpretation all at once “Cause you believe doesn’t mean that it’s there, it’s so rare that somebody would look out for you,” is just one excerpt of this. Perez has a unique, deep voice, further elevating feelings of confusion, anger and doubt felt in this song to resonate with any listener.
The main instrument used in this song is the guitar, yet it does not have a traditional acoustic feel to it. It has harsher strumming and both the vocals and instrumentals are layered, giving it a very intense feel despite being rather stripped down. The song goes back and forth, quietening at certain moments, blasting louder with horns adding in, perfectly aligning to support and emphasise the lyrics. It keeps every second of the song intriguing with its nontraditional buildup.
The vocals, instrumental and lyrics are perfectly balanced, allowing the listener to feel the song to their core. Even without the backstory, emotion is already bursting from the seams of the song. This is only expanded by a deeper look into it. Following some hints throughout the song, as Perez sings: “When I lifted her urn, divinity says, ‘destiny can’t be earned or returned,” The outro makes explicit what the song is about, singing “Stars blink like my sister’s eyes,” referring to her sister who sadly passed away in 2020. A voice memo she left is playing simultaneously with the lyrics. This knowledge makes the repetition of the last line “I dream of eternal life” even more moving, with the guitar slowing down to conclude the song. The way the lyrics are written has intertwined this meaning with meanings of queer identity and its relation to religion.
With ‘Fable’, Gigi Perez has further perfected the art of creating a song that can resonate with listeners so intensely, leaving its poetic lines open for interpretation, while also having a deeply personal meaning that can be felt throughout so powerfully.
Written by: Marieke Weeda
Edited by: Ilse Muis