Song Review: ‘Wonder’ by Marcus & Martinus

In 2024, Norwegian twins Marcus & Martinus took to the Eurovision stage to represent Sweden with their catchy pop song ‘Unforgettable’. This also became the title track of the album they released at the end of May, only a few weeks later. Since then, they have released the single ‘Another Life’, a collaboration with VIZE, and now the duo is back with their newest single. On the 10th of January, Marcus & Martinus released ‘Wonder’. 

The track opens with the first chorus, which starts off with a synth beat and faraway sounding vocals that become clearer halfway through. The chorus is followed by some whistling and a post-chorus. “I wonder if you think of me” the twins repeat in both the chorus as well as post-chorus. The song then quickly moves on to the first verse, which includes some guitar right at the start. It gives off a very summery vibe – not so fitting for January, when it’s mostly snowing in lots of European countries, probably including the boys’ own. “I got the sun in my face” they sing, which at the moment, does not feel very true, but does add to the feeling the music gives the listener. This first verse is followed by the same rendition of chorus-post-chorus. The lyrics, though not self-written this time, are quite cute. This is clearly a warm, nostalgic love song, with the singers missing a past lover – especially “when the moon is heavy with your memory”. The second verse follows a similar structure to the first. Here, the twins mention going to the beach and listening to “The Mamas & The Papas on the stereo”; while this might not really be an artist Marcus & Martinus and their audience grew up with, it does add to the nostalgia of it all. The track ends with one final run of the chorus and post-chorus before fading out. 

‘Wonder’ is another catchy pop track from the twins who can really do it all: sing, dance, and look effortless during every single performance. It is very much 2010s pop that the twins did in fact grow up with; its standard formula still perfectly works till this day, with the twins’ recognizable voices really finishing it off. They have already teased on their social media that they will in fact be performing this new track live across Europe on their upcoming tour, which kicks off on March 1st in Hamburg. If you’re looking to see them live, get tickets here

Written by: Mandy Huibregtsen

Edited by: Nèri Cliteur