This has not been an easy decision to make as a music lover who loves a variety of different genres and artists, but in the end, I found the 5 artists I always go back to when I’m in doubt about what I want to listen to. Most of these artists come with some poppy tunes, mixed with a bit of rock. Note: This is not in order of most favorite, as that is impossible to choose.
Harry Styles
We start off with a global, grammy-winning superstar: Harry Styles. His name is one that most people know, whether it’s from his One Direction days, or his massive success as a solo artist. I first discovered him back in 2011, when he was just starting his career with One Direction. I remember watching their music videos on YouTube every single day, and even though I was a Niall girl for most of the time, something changed in 2015. Harry got stuck on me and has been ever since. His beautiful voice, charismatic smile, and undeniable love for his fans are things I admire a lot.
Being able to see him grow from a teenage boy into his adult life has been quite emotional because I have been doing the exact same thing alongside him. Harry knows how to write tunes, and knows what the audience loves. What I adore a lot about him, is the way he is able to entertain everyone from ages 0 to 100.
The way he promoted his most recent album Harry’s House was fun and creative. A way to bring the fans closer to him, and the chance for the fans to have a peek into the mastermind of the beautiful, lyric-writing mind that he has. The name of this 3rd studio album is what I love the most. He invited us into his house on Love on Tour and made it a home for millions of people. I think that’s why it’s my favorite album.
5 Seconds of Summer
Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer also holds a very special place in my heart. I have been a fan of them since 2012, and my love for them has only grown ever since. I happened to stumble upon one of their videos on YouTube, and then when they opened for One Direction, I knew I had fallen for yet another band consisting of young boys.
You may wonder what is so special about 5 Seconds of Summer. One of these things that makes them special is that they have grown from being pop-punk teenage boys into four completely different men, and yet they still fit perfectly together. They have four different styles, and somehow they manage to complement each other so well.
I have been lucky enough to attend 9 of their concerts. One in 2016 at their Sounds Live Feels Live tour, one at the Take My Hand tour, then their beloved One Night Only in London, and last but not least I ended up seeing them six times on their newest tour, the 5SOS show. A show that was so well put together with confetti, a rolling dice, and both old and new tunes. I even happened to meet Calum and Luke on this tour. Something that 9-year-old me would be crying over, which 21-year-old me also did shortly after.
Picking a favorite album from this band has been almost impossible, but I end up always circling back to Youngblood, with their newest, self-titled album 5SOS5 right behind it.
Post Malone
Next up in my top 5 is Austin, better known as Post Malone. I began listening to ‘White Iverson’, back in 2016, which is one of his most well-known tracks to this day, Followed by this song was a wave of singles that went straight to the top, such as ‘Congratulations’, ‘Go Flex’, ‘Better Now’, and ‘Rockstar’ featuring famous rapper 21 Savage.
He is probably the artist on this list that stands out the most, but he is loved just as much. The word that describes Austin the best is probably ‘gentleman’. He is an incredibly humble artist, always thanking his crowd, calling them ladies and gentlemen. Post has experienced huge success through the years, from releasing the previously mentioned single White Iverson to his newest record AUSTIN.
On stage, he isn’t afraid to push himself, dig into a role, and live out the songs. It is often expressed by his face, arm movements, and by him crawling or lying on the stage. It is beautiful to see him going from jumping around in ‘Congratulations’, hyping up the crowd and himself, to a more expressive and heartbreaking performance of ‘I fall apart’.
My favorite track of his to this day is ‘Over Now’ from his 2nd studio album beerbongs & bentleys, which was released in 2018. His way of describing heartbreak on this track is harsh, raw, and full of metaphors such as “tried to drive me crazy, but you ran out of road”.
Only The Poets
Another band I find myself going back to every day is the UK-based band Only The Poets. A band I fell in love with in the spring of 2022, when they happened to be opening for Louis Tomlinson. It was like I had fallen in love instantly. It was, as cheesy as they call it, love at first sight. Ever since this show, I have been keeping a close eye on the band, and by the end of 2022, I knew I was no longer just a casual listener, but a fan.
The bond between the band and their fans is incredibly special. The band offers things like low-income tickets, giveaways, and games for their tours. I have personally never experienced a fan-artist bond in the way Only The Poets and their fanbase have one.
The band consists of the lead singer Tommy, drummer Marcus, the bassist player Andy and last but not least, the guitarist Clem. Mental health is an important topic for these four young men from Reading, which is something the whole fanbase is incredibly appreciative of. “It’s okay not to be okay” is a phrase commonly used by the band, when talking about why and how mental health is so important to focus on.
The poppy tunes combined with heartbreaking lyrics create the perfect playlist for a Saturday night with the girls, a busy Monday at work, or even a lazy Sunday by yourself – or in other words, Only The Poets’ discography is fitting for every mood you might feel.
Agnes Hartwich
Agnes Hartwich, based in the heart of Copenhagen, is my most recent favorite artist, but I’m sure she will stay on the list for a good amount of time. I discovered her through social media, and I couldn’t help but fall for the raw, edgy, and cool attitude that she gives off in her newest release ‘Cult Leader (Golden Retriever)’.
Because she is in the same age group as me, I find it easy to relate to her songs and the way she promotes herself on social media. She has humor, talent, and is extremely caring towards her fan base.
Her lyrics are relatable down to the core. Picking apart my personal favorite track ‘sad/drunk (demo)’ you will find lyrics such as “I hope my shitty life at least looks good online”. These are words a big part of our generation relates to: trying to create the perfect image online, hiding your struggles from the public eye.
She has not put an album out yet, but if I were you, I would keep my eyes open in 2024. There is a lot of new music on the way, which she also likes to promote on both her Instagram and TikTok.
Written by: Max Sørensen
Edited by: Marieke Weeda