STMNTS (Statements) is a 5-piece emotive pop punk band from Maryland, USA. Formed in 2022, the band consists of vocalist Liam King, rhythm guitarist Jamie Black, lead guitarist Drew Chiodo, bassist Josh Pelc, and drummer Shawn Smyth. Their main inspirations come from punk, emo, and post-hardcore bands ranging from the early 2000s to the current musical scene. After the release of their first two singles ‘Handpainted’ and ‘I Don’t Even Want To Be Around Anymore’, their debut EP Tendencies hits all streaming services today.

Soundwise Tendencies comes at you with a lot of hardcore guitar groove mixed with wonderful lyric wordplay and great emotion. The EP starts with ‘I Don’t Even Want To Be Around Anymore’, leading listeners on with an almost country type banjo-like sound for the first few seconds. Shortly after we are greeted by the familiar sound of heavy guitar that carries the song while singer Liam talks about a broken relationship and how acceptance is the only way forward. The line “I am done blaming it on good luck” feels like finally taking responsibility and getting the closure needed to move on.
Second on this release, the title track ‘Tendencies’. It immediately begins with a sick guitar riff joined by fast paced drums. The energy is practically pulsating through the speakers. This song has great live potential and will hit a nerve with their audience. The emotional lyrics handle issues like leaving people behind that no longer serve any purpose in your life, creating a good contrast to the crunchiness of the melody.
‘Meantime’ is the palate cleanser of the EP, slower, softer and more acoustic. The main focus is on the lyrics and Liam King’s crisp voice. Just when a lot of listeners will find themselves in the words such as “When the sun comes up I’ll be right where I started, at least I am hanging on for the meantime”, guitarists Jami Black and Drew Chiodo bring you back to reality with a surprise guitar solo.
What the band does really well on their collaboration with Patrick Williams ‘Handpainted’, is keeping the song emotionally charged throughout and still allowing for the melody to come through in the mix to make for a memorable track. The groovy guitar in the verses is complemented by cutting vocals to keep the song balanced. The last gasp of a scream on the final lyric of “I feel so alone” finds the band tinkering with a great combination of emo, screamo, and the melodic elements of pop-punk.
The final song ‘Past Tense’ is definitely the heaviest song on the EP. From the get go we hear Jay Pepito doing guttural and bone shattering screams to an intense drum beat. Those build the perfect contrast to the otherwise crispy voice of Liam’s parts. As we are taken on a journey of what it’s like to lose yourself and having to piece yourself back together from the start, we are accompanied by strong instrumentals throughout. Maybe this is a clue to STMNTS taking the heavier route in the future?
Each song on their debut EP is catchier than the other, STMNTS are really living up to their name. If you are a fan of Four Year Strong, The Wonder Years, Bayside or Like Pacific you should definitely give these guys a listen.
Written by: Laura Finkler