Sam MacPherson is a singer-songwriter from Redbank, New Jersey. He writes about life, love and friendship. He made his musical debut in 2018 with a single called ‘Something Simple’ and since then has connected to a steadily growing 200,000 fans across social media, and close to a million monthly listeners on Spotify. He has a relatability and a clear passion that speaks to thousands.

‘I Don’t Wanna See You Try’ was written about a heartbreaking conversation with a friend who was contemplating suicide. The lyrics are a direct message to his friend- and any others who struggle with their mental health. He first posted the chorus to TikTok, where he went viral for his hard-hitting and raw lyrics “yeah you could fight this all on your own, but I don’t wanna see you try, get them to notice you didn’t come home but I don’t wanna see you try” the song starts with a quiet guitar and a soft vocal and builds strength as the song continues.
The backtrack of the song never feels like it overpowers the vocal but perfectly compliments the lyrics, which remain the standout throughout the whole song. This song is the perfect balance of empathy, protectiveness and motivation. It’s a song that feels like it’s speaking directly to you and forms a beautiful connection between Sam and the listener. The song has over 100,000 streams on Spotify and over 3000 views on YouTube- and rightfully so, with its important and lifesaving message.
Written by: Charlie River
Edited by: Molly Day