Swedish band VS / U just released their first single of the year. While ‘…And He’ll Keep That Promise Too’ blends in perfectly with the regular sound of the band, the song is definitely a remarkable work regarding the build-up and lyrics.

VS / U’s sound can be best described with one word: entrancing. The newest single is no exception; the song slowly starts with drums that are calm but foreshadow a more dramatic development throughout the song. The vocals of singer Sannie start out just as calm, but the tension quickly builds up. Rather than sticking to the usual structure of two or three verses with a chorus in between each verse, the song jumps from the verse straight into a bridge that creates a dramatic climax of the sound, before coming to an end that is once again very calm. The song almost reminds the listener of a soundtrack for a striking turn of events in a movie.
Lyrically, ‘…And He’ll Keep That Promise Too’ deals with a toxic relationship. Starting off with a third person perspective, the song describes the tragic situation of a girl: “She’s the silence left in between the bitter truth, the violence.” In the bridge, the perspective switches to the protagonist yelling out in agony: “Why would you lie to me? […] I can’t live like this.” When the instrumental tension recedes, the very first lyrics of the song are repeated once more, displaying how hopeless the situation seems to be. The lyrics perfectly match with the musical buildup and take the listener on a journey through the emotional world of a person suffering in a toxic relationship with no escape.
As a conclusion, it is safe to say that VS / U have mastered their musical style; while sticking to their almost hypnotising sound, they have managed to integrate a captivating storyline into their newest song.
Written by: Janine Vivien Stein
Edited by: Nèri Cliteur