Inspired by Tame Impala and Mark Ronson amongst others, Will Sass is a producer and songwriter known for his catchy electronic music. Based in New York, the musician has so far only released two singles – ‘Alicia’ featuring Alvin Risk and ‘Into the Blue’ featuring kamille. On the latter, he worked together with Scottisch singer-songwriter Nina Nessbitt. This experience worked so well for them, that Sass asked Nesbitt to feature on his newest track. And so, ‘Fairweather Friends’ was born and eventually released to the wide world on December 12th.

The track opens with some short and quick piano notes before immediately being joined by fast-paced synths and Nesbitt’s lovely voice. Halfway through the first verse, the song also makes space for some additional drums. “You loved me on the good days, then ran away when things got heavy” Nesbitt sings in the opening lines. The song talks about unreliable relationships, whether platonic or romantic, and continues this narrative into the pre-chorus where she tells the other person not to reach out “because it’s half-hearted anyway”. In this pre-chorus the listener can hear a louder piano and the clapping of hands before moving on to banging synths in the chorus. “Say farewell to my fairweather friends” Nesbitt sings. After the chorus, the song is taken over by a bombastic instrumental drop that treats the listener to a small dance break before the second verse. While the content of the lyrics is sad, it is also quite hopeful – in the second verse, Nesbitt sings how “peace comes with the distance” and she’s “already gone”. This closure; simply being able to move on from someone that has hurt you, fits perfectly with the happy and rhythmical instrumentals. Sass stated that “everyone has had this experience where they decide it’s time to cut ties with fake friends”, which may be a sorrowful encounter, yet at the same time something that might be necessary for personal growth and happiness. After a second rendition of the pre-chorus and chorus section, the song concludes with a final drop.
For those who find themselves attracted to electronic or dance music, make sure to give Will Sass’ music a listen. While this is only his third track available on streaming services, he has a wide array of unreleased songs that will definitely be worth the wait. On top of that Will Sass will also be bringing his music to Europe as soon as possible – keep an eye out for his upcoming tour dates!
Written by: Mandy Huibregtsen
Edited by: Noah F.