Everyone is claiming 2024 to be their year and it seems like we all want to leave stressful things behind. If that sounds even the tiniest bit like yourself, I’ve got the perfect song for you. The musician Waiting For Smith, also known as Harry, released his newest song ‘Small Things’ just last wednesday.

After recently putting out music videos for his latest three releases in October 2023, the musician blessed the world with another beautiful piece of art.
Harry is well known for his aim to make music simply to help heal people and make their life at least a little bit more joyous. If you have ever seen him live, you know that the energy in the room is just pure love, support and happiness all over.
And this new song expresses just that. With its calming melody and reassuring lyrics, Harry makes you feel more at peace again.
The melody personally reminded me of long walks when the sun is setting and talking with your favorite people about everything and nothing. It’s super soothing and the beautiful voices of Harry combined with those of the “Hour Bay Ingoma Choir”- who he asked to work on the song alongside him, just make you feel calm.
In a sense it’s a very “when the world gets a bit too crazy I’ll put this on to ground myself” song.
As Harry said on his social media platforms, this song was born during a time where he was feeling anxious himself. He also explained that “it’s a song that relieves my stress and reminds me of what’s really important in life” – which is something everyone needs at one point in their life.
In the song he sings about the fact that all we feel is valid (“you’re right to feel”) and that after a while we will heal from whatever pain and stress we are in (“you know we will all eventually heal.”) In the chorus he reassures the listeners that we should not “worry about the small things” because at some point “we’ll all be dead someday” and that in the end, the only important thing that will be remembered is how we behaved- so the small things in life shouldn’t matter that much to us.
All in all it is a very beautiful song with a message that will not only help a lot of people but is also something that everyone should be reminded of every now and again.
Written by: Lara Thissen
Edited by: Molly Day